Aug 25, 2012

Getting Ticked...

...and I am not refering to 'Ticking of the Clock'...
Mattress ticking or Pillow ticking...

The reference is to that good old fashioned Raising of the Blood Pressure getting my 'Ire' up and being just flat Put Out type of Ticking... Ticked Off !!

Remember Nice Trustworthy Carpenter Dude?

Trustworthy ?
Nice ?

Not so much now.

Got the decking all nice and finished up.

Got the balusters and rails around...

Did the water Drain/Grate thingy...

Installed concrete Stepping Stones and gravel path...

All nice with Weed-Cloth...

Heavily Graveled & Raked...

All of that is Well and Beauteous and is Just what I asked for....

And guess who I haven't seen in a Week and a Half ?!?

And it certainly looks like he won't be back either...
He apparently is getting hired to drive Truck and thus has left for Greener Pastures- or What-Ever...

So- No deck paint, no house paint, no patio roof repair, no front porch floor repair, and also included for 'Free' is leaving the yard littered with cut pieces of 2x4's, empty buckets, concrete blocks, bricks, containers of nails and screws...


Most of the Debris is easily cleared away. And as he was paid by the day for his work so no money was lost.

But, Dang It !! It is the principle of the Thing...
Don't get Bored or Tired or see Greener Pastures and leave Stuf UNDONE !!!

Focusing on the positive tho- the Deck is Safe & Sound.

My hidden surprise Pic of this-

Is actually this...

 I got it at Wal-Mart. End of the Season and under a $ 100... came with the throw pillows.. And the Bestest of All ?!?

Its a Glider !!
I must insert a Shrill 'Sk-squeeeee' here...

My Dear Shirley found this (we think its an Ikea sort of Rocker/Chair) at a Yard sale and has claimed it for her Very Own...

Doesn't she think she is "Miz Thang" ??

I did mention she might have to share it with Kuchi tho...

So I am trying to get it All Back together...
I am looking for a nice Wood Rocker for me and I have been Putting Spray paint on Whatever will hold still- Lamps, lights, side tables, bought new Fairy Lights... All to re-Decorate with...

It is All Good...

I've sat out early with Coffee and Sipped and Dreamed and  made a Hundred plans in my Head...

And Felt that Softening of Summer.
That evening Chill of perhaps an Early Autumn...
A wayward leaf dryly Skittering in the Breeze...

And  I just know in my Heart  that even with this 'Bump' in my plans,  this Deck will be a source of Joy for Years to Come !!!

Won't Have It Any Other Way !!


Aug 16, 2012

~Delicate Perspiration~

What could  I possibly say about the 97 degrees it was here Today....

:Insert Pathetic Sweaty Whine Here:

And here is the Forecast for the Next 7 Days...

meh ?!?


Aug 11, 2012

Respite & Recuperation...

We have been slogging forward...
HH-Bless her Heart- brought me these from her Garden...

Wheelbarrowing Gravel....

Shoveling Gravel...

Raking said Gravel level to within a 1/4" of its life...

 We decieded we is Tired...

Lavender from a Friends Wedding Last Weekend...

Plus Mr. Weather-Person moved those spinning round Red wind/Low/Heat graphics Thingys over our heads and it has been in the higher 80's to one day of 101 degrees...


Now is when the Payt-Tio needs to be all Done and ready for Relaxation and Tall glasses Clinking with Ice and Sweet Tea...

All carpentry/Construction stuf is completed (ish) for now.
But now the Kiln-dried, but still Damp wood has to 'Cure' (now I want Bacon)...
Then it can be painted...

In a Couple of Weeks !!

I do have some paint choices half-way decided up for Consideration...

Geranium Leaf

New Green

Pepper Grass

Sparkling Green

 The lighter greens Above would be for the Decking/Floor...

Pine Scent

 This Darker Green would be for the Rails around the banisters and hopefully will Match Existing trim...

Bicycle Yellow



One of these 3 Yellows will be to Re-Paint the house wall that unfortunately got Pressure Washed to remove the Moss but in this process Took off great chunks of Paint !! ...and thus looks even More Ramshackle and Disreputable that it already did...

 Newly Purchased Arrivals/Decorative  items have Arrivaled...

The Above is NOT a Radioactive Sea Anemone !!

Does this Help ?
Begins with a P _ _ _ _ Ws

 And this Stripey Beaut arrived in Semi-Smallish pieces and will be revealed in Complete 'Tweaked' Loveliness After the Painting is done Di-Re-Deckly !!

I Know--- Its hard to be Patient-
But I Have to Wait for my Delayed Gratification as well !!

And Now---

Kitthehs !!!

Alice...  Ignoring me

Kuchi sitting Exactly where Alice was...

Rolling in the Gravel... Rolling in the Gravel... Dee De Dah Deeee...

Thinking very Strongly of that glass of Sweet Tea... and Maybe a nice Bacon Lettuce Tomato & Mayo sandwich !!


Aug 8, 2012

Power Tools... and Soft Fuzzy Kitthehs...

Well, here we are- Day 3 # (and maybe day # 4 & # 5 as I am getting Weary of thinking of Nifty Carpentery type Nouns...) and the decking on the Pat-E-Io is Coming right along I must say...

Actually,  it better be coming right along cause I was beginning to feel as if I was in an 'Outer Limits' episode of the 'Never-Ending Lumberyard Visit'.

So hold on tight.
Heeeere we go !!

Drilling, Drilling, A Drilling we Will go...

 Don't-cha love the mossy corner of the house ?
Nobody can ever say I am not Eco friendly...

Oh Yeah... we only use them there High End type of Modern Conveniences...

One Beauteous new not-rotten board at a time.

Red Drill is for 'Drilling'
Green drill is for 'Sinking Deck Screws'
or is it ?
Green Drill is for 'Drilling'
and Red drill is...

Never mind---

Kuchi doing her Customary End of day inspection...

Babylon expresses her Op-inion...

 Kuchi is Sauntering... Now that Her favorite Chair is back where she can Inspect her Domain, she is Happier !!

This Bring us, Precious Browsers, The End of Day # 3...

And Bright and early the Next Day
(8:30 am is Early for me. For I am Delicate... And the Sun burns my Pale Ghostly Skin...)

Day number FOUR...

Sawing Corner Brackets...

Nailing Metal Hanger Thingys to hold the under boards that hold up the Decking/Floor...

Almost done getting the under holder cross-beams in...

And putting down the last few 2"x6"x10' Decking boards...

HA !! Lookit that Too Cool Carpentry term I just Flung Upon Ya !!

The Last One...
Wheeeeee !!!!

Poor Kuchi is Almost becoming used to the Noise and Fracas filled days...

But Poor Lil' Alice-Ala-baster- Alice from the Palace, is still Dubious...
"Alice go back and hide some more Mama.... See Ya..."

Kuchi is " Tra-La-La-laaa la...
?? !!??
Oh No, here they come Again... Mama !!"

Working on replacing the Grate/Drain...
This is for water coming down the hillside... It goes under the porch into a Drainpipe then into the Storm Sewer thingy...

Ezample of new Concrete Paving Stones-
Are you Ready ????
- that can be Painted !!! Yes !!

Putting up the Railing and bannisters...

Loooking Goood !!!!

This is how Alice Felt at the end of day # 4...
And a fairly Decent Reflection om how her Mama felt too...

So Waaayyyy back up at the beginning of this Magnum Opus I made the statement day # 5 would be included in this post...

I lied

I am Tired just reliving it thru all these Picture-Memories...

Gotta save Some Excitement for another Post !!
