Feb 10, 2014

This Time Last Week...

Here are photos of what Outdoors looked like...

Trees leafless... Low Winter Sun...

 There is a Dove on the Tree limb- just about dead center of this photo...

Little Brown Bird on the Wellhouse roof....

Little Brown Bird in the big Feeder...

And Now...
Yesterday- With a little over 8" of Snow since Thursday...

The Big Feeder...

Small Feeder...


Side yard...

Front yard and Porch railing...

Horse-chestnut limbs...

Alice is Not Pleased at this Turn-of-Events Thank You....

How Far does this White stuff go Mama ?!?

Little and Big Birdy feet-prints...

And Finally-
Jethro is Saying...
"In Mama Jethro Wants in Mama Let Jethro In MAMA Jethro NEEDS to Get IN Mama- NOW !!"

Freezing Rain this afternoon and thus the melting begins...
Stay Cozy !!
