Thats right...
My Mod-Podge was un capped and with a nice brush, leftover Birthday wrapping Paper, various sorts of Tissue paper, glitter (that manages to get EVER-WHERE. Honestly... there are just these glittery trails all over the floor. Which I refuse to clean up. Because I think it looks like Faery Dust ThankYouVeryMuch !!) Q tips, and assorted cuss words- and a few bought on sale last Christmas Foam pumpkins and I got Alll Gluey ---Uh--- I mean creatively crafty.
Behold my Brilliant results !!
Some are eh... Not So Brilliant...
In example:
This Poor poor Lil' thingy looks like it was attacked by an irate 4 year old... Who has a Major in Finger painting. And eats paste.
Not quite the Look I was going for...
Then we move on rapidly to my red & green Tissue paper Extravaganza...
Looks more Christmasy eh ?
And for some odd reason I am craving a nice Grilled Cheese Sandwich...
Or Onion Rings... Hmmm...
The 'Oh white Tissue paper embedded with sparklies should look like glittery cobwebs...'
Right ?
This one is rather cute I think. B-day wrapping paper... It even has some wrinkle-ridge detail too. I do love me polka-dots !!

And saving the bester-ish for last... More B-day wrapping paper... It has a certain Primitive Cath Kidston Charm dont'cha think ?

So Very Talented...
:Okay !~ You can stop with the Laughing-Out-Loud !!: