Dec 23, 2012

On the First Day of Winter...

Early this morning Shirley came over and had a Nice Cup o' Cocoa on the porch...
I had to chuckle- After all it WAS a balmy 39 degrees-
This is how she arrived-

Notice the Stylish ear Warmers... and she Brought her own Blankie !!

Fed the Birdies... Found a nice new Feed- has pieces of Almond, Sunflower seed, Peanuts, and the usual seedy bits I'm not sure what is...

This Snowman has hung out here for the last 4-5 years... His little Bells 'Yingle' when the wind Blows... And Boy, it has been choosing to blow Gustily intermittently the last week or so !! Blasts of cold East winds 30 to 45 m.p.h.

These Cardinals were to be Ornaments--- but they are made of Resin--- and h.e.a.v.y.
So they swing from the Rafters !!

My little Drawer/Shelf by the door...

Silk Poinsettias in my little metal Egg Basket...

The Poor little Battered Charlie Brown Christmas Tree... Blow over too many times and looking rather Untidy... But still Cheery & makes me smile- what more does it need to do ?

All the Leaves Scoured from the huge Old Horse chestnut tree...

Now the Moss covered limbs are in view...

In the Evenings these are the Sweet Faces I am presented with---
Alice asking if it is Beddy Bye time ??

She has her Brown Raggedy box all Fluffed and Ready for lights out !!

Babylon looks at me with infinite Patience... Knowing Soon it will be Snuggle time...

Okay Mama--- Get out your Book to read and let me get on with Snoozin' !!

Kuchi always needs to make sure I know how Put Upon she is and gives me her Deluxe version of "Stink Eye"...

Someone take them batteries out of that Danged camera !!
Kuchi trying to get comfy here !!

And finally she is Convinced the Photo Session is over---
And that means just one more click of the Camera !!

So off the the Land of Nod...

Wishing you All a Safe and Cozy night !!


Dec 21, 2012

Midwinter~Yule~ the Longest Night

Blessings to You and Yours on this Winter Solstice...


Dec 3, 2012

Crocheting in Grape...

One of the best things in Later Life- 50 plus- is that Nieces and Nephews start Fanilies...
My Niece AnnaLee is expecting her next child/second baby/first daughter late this month...
Since her little boy was born I have always referred to him as 'Fang'.
Noe New Baby Girl has been given the title 'Bump-ette'...
Poor little thing !!
With the impending baby I felt the need to get my Crochet Game going and purchased More Yarn ( really- I need- Need- NEED- more Yarn.) and soon the Bounty arrived...

Not sure what hooky creation I would Finally Decide to make I chose just my usual mish-mash of colours...

 Whoever they put in charge of 'Naming of the Yarn' has a Wild Imagination... and most assuredly a Dictionary/Thesaurus...

Bubble gum and Toast and Pagoda...

Ocean and Blackberry Wine and Mint Julep...

Guacamole and Coconut and Watermelon...

Cornflower and Heather Hedge Tweed...

Bone and Grape...

Mallard and Cherry Red...

And Grape...

Did I mention Grape ?

Cause right at this moment I think I am 'In Love' with Grape.

Grape gave a Wiggley to my Thoughts as to what I would be making... 


I saw a Beauteous 'Patchwork' Afghan that Sucrette ...
had made for her new Baby Boy Joe ( who is really one of the sweetest looking little sugar plums Ever !!)...

So- Off to the races I went !!

Coconut with Grape-
Peach Frappe with Grape-

Guacamole with grape-

Cherry Red wittthhhh   :wait for it:   GRAPE !!
Grape and Bone- and Pagoda-

Minty, Toasty, Peachy... with Grape-

Bump-ettes blanky will be nine squares by eleven Squares...
I have my 99 Patches completed and am in the Process right now of stitching them into Strips...

Alice is 'Helping' as usual...

... seeing how Many Kittheh furz can Actually be Crocheted directly into the blanket. She has it down to a Science now !!

::*note to self- include a pair of tweezers in gift to remove cat hairs::

Photos to follow (first I have to get new batteries !!)

Grape--- and Yarn--- Yum !!!
