But has been known to turn at a moments notice... And Damn Near amputate a finger... or Two...
Last spring He chomped my fingers and hand so badly My Doctor was worried... Thru arduous soaking and expressing of pus.. and high powered antibiotics... all my appendages are intact. Although my ring finger has increased a full ring-size because of scar tissue.
Fiddy doesn't necessarily mean to be hateful... I think he just doesn't have an "If I Bite The Hand That Feeds Me" who will feed me next switch..
So he lives outside... Has my garage with beddy places to sleep in...doesn't venture far. And you can pet him, just not more than 2-3 times and there better be canned dinner coming... And when He is done... Not a look back...
I'm still working with him... not given' up yet...

We just both know where our boundaries are.... Him gets dinnies... And I keep My fingers !
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