63 big degrees today and toasty in the sun. (Although there have been frost warnings the past few nights.) Kuchi went out and was all -Hmm, I vaguely remember this. She could have used a little pair if Kittheh Shades tho. Oh, the squinting ! Flowers are just blooming lovely. My pot of Primroses is rather ragged looking. I do wonder if they were just unwell from the get-go.
Now the bluebells are just being so colorful- all blowing in the breeze and appearing in sweeps across the yard.(Since I still don't have a digital camera, pic.s are from the web. Sigh.)

I couldn't find a a picture of Him( I got really Organized last week. Went thru all my pictures.Put them into separate/named folders. Now I can't find anything ...) So the forlorn Little Girl and Her Kittheh will have to do.
So that's about it From Here Today. Think I will go make some Potato Salad to go with leftover Fried Chicken. As usual- I'll get the the Salad, and the Girls and Osgood will have the Chicken !

Spring was a long time coming here too .. but the blossom has been beautiful & the birds have been feeding.
Thanks for your comment - our animals give us endess entertainment !
well well, i made you come out of hiding!!! welcome! it was a pleasure. now i shall read here a bit!
smiles, bee
Tank u fir wisiting ME. I likeded it bery much. OK? I likez ur bloggie tingie & I tellz MY hoomin bean aboutz ur bloggie tingie. OK?
Kay' Alex... you are sweet..
And Q-Bee, yes... but I lurk here as well... :-)
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