Nov 21, 2012

~Prepping My Brain~

 Thanksgiving has to be one of Most favorite of the Cooking Holidays...
I love all the Cooking and Preparation and Chopping and Slicing and Stewing and Baking and Smearing and Spreading and Roasting...

So staring early Tomorrow I get to Begin my day of Glorious Dinner Prep- Chopping and Dicing Celery to add to the Dressing...

Mincing and Sauteing Onions for above mentioned Dressing-

 Cleaning and Trimming Brussel Sprouts...

I always add a handful of Walnuts too. I like that Nutty tang & the  Riches they add.

For a side/garnish, I Spread Neufchatel Cheese into bite sized Celery pieces. Poke in a tooth-pick and Ta-Dah !!

 For a lot of years I was one of those who did Everything and Anything to a poor ol' bag of Cranberries possible.  Cooked with Orange rind. Chopped raw with grated Onion and Sugar. Molded, Blended, Stewed...
Then I went All Retro--- And had a Genuine moment of Enlightenment...

I loved the regular Old-fashioned easy sliced Jellied Sauce from a can !!

If all goes as Planned... After hours of Labor intensive work in the Kitchen--- All of the above Ingredients will be Miraculously converted into  this:

taken from

And all will be Consumed in about Thirty-five minutes !!
Love It !!

Hpoe You & Yours have a Safe and Thankful Turkey Day !!



Vintage Jane said...

Happy Thanksgiving ... I hope you have a wonderful day. M x

Pondside said...

You certainly had all the necessary elements for a perfect Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Wow, my momz can never get the turkey to look like that!!